Saturday, May 21, 2016

Big Fun at Horace Mann!

We fit more fun into last week at Horace Mann than seems possible!  Be sure to visit the Horace Mann PTA Facebook page to see lots of great pictures ( These are the cool things we did:

Monday:  Lakewood Public Librarians presented to each grade level about summer reading opportunities and the library's 100th birthday celebration.

Tuesday:  CAVS Spirit Day, Volunteer Thank You Brunch, CHAMPS class 5th graders visited Garfield.

Wednesday:  3rd Grade Field Trip to The Nature Center, 1st Grade Walking Field Trip to Webb Park to meet Grant Elementary Pen Pals.

Thursday:  Wicked/Wizard of Oz performance by The Beck Center Sign Language Choir

Friday:  Field Day (4th Quarter Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Reward), Picnic Lunch, BOGO Book Fair, One School One Book Finale, May Star Student of the Month Drawing, 5th Grade Instrumental Concert

Congratulations to our Star Students for May:
Kindergarten:  D'Lila Burns, Aliyah Rush
1st Grade:  Leonard Bonner, Bridget Katzenberger,
                  Mariam Othman, Connor
2nd Grade:  Joseph Smiddle, Nora Kelly
3rd Grade:  Nathan Kopko, Liam Wallace
4th Grade:  Ashan Mabuoi, Aidan Weisman
5th Grade:  Aidan Parch, Sophie Craciun


Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Mann This Week: State Testing, Safety Drills, Humphrey, and Field Trips

     With the end of the year fast - approaching, it was a smorgasbord of activity at Horace Mann last week.  Starting with academics, we officially completed our Ohio AIR testing sessions.  Our technology worked very smoothly and there was extra help on hand from central office to be sure teachers and students had support.  We had great student attendance which resulted in very few make-ups.  Thank you to kids, teachers, parents and staff for all the teamwork to get through this important process.  We won't receive results until well into the 2016-17 school year, and they will be sent home to parents when they arrive in district.

     Sticking with academics but moving a the fun side of things, enthusiasm for The World According to Humphrey continues to ride HIGH, HIGH, HIGH!  Humphrey is visiting classrooms, daily prize drawings are happening and most importantly, kids are reading :-)

     Part of the core mission at every school is to keep students safe.  The State of Ohio sets requirements for the number of fire, tornado and lockdown drills schools need to conduct each year, and we gladly comply.  Last week, we finished off our annual quota, running one of each.

     Finally, two fun field trips happened last week, with kindergarten heading to The Cleveland Zoo and Horace Mann's Future Club meeting Grant's Future Club at Webb Park for a picnic lunch and group photo taken by a drone.  Big thanks to teachers and parent volunteers for taking our students out-and-about!

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Amazing Horace Mann PTA

     Last week was Staff Appreciation Week at Horace Mann.  Our PTA went all out for this opportunity to pamper our teachers/support staff for 5 days straight!  Using what they learned via feedback about prior years' events, PTA provided a potluck lunch on Monday, morning coffee and goody cart on Wednesday and Dewey's Pizza for lunch on Friday.  On Tuesday and Thursday, April Crone, parent of a HMES first grader and licensed massage therapist, provided chair massages.  Talk about taking good care of us :-)

     Not only was PTA busy with providing for the Horace Mann staff last week, but they were also busy receiving accolades at the annual Lakewood Council of PTAs Installation and Recognition Ceremony, held at Harding Middle School on Wednesday, May 4th.  Here is the (long) list of honors garnered by Horace Mann as a result of PTA's work and/or nominations:

  • Outstanding Educator of the Year:  Cristina Smith, Horace Mann Teacher
  • Helping Hands Award:  Chris Bringman, Horace Mann Family Resource Coordinator
  • Perfect Attendance at Monthly Council of PTAs
  • Ripples Award (Silver) for volunteer hours logged this year
  • Family Engagement Award for PTA/school partnership for our Positive Behavior Instruction & Supports 
  • President's Award:  Nora Katzenberger, Horace Mann PTA President
     As principal of Horace Mann, I could not be more grateful for the work of so many PTA members.  It is a true collaborative relationship, and I look forward to even more involvement for parents in the years ahead.  If you are not yet an involved member of PTA, please consider joining or volunteering.  It is a rewarding, worthwhile experience that makes a real difference in the lives of everyone at our school!