This year, the Lakewood Ranger Education Foundation (http://www.lakewoodrangers.com/) helped bring this dream to life. The LREF fully funded the teachers' grant request, enabling the purchase of a cart, Keurig machine, and other essentials. The operation has been rounded out with donations,and spruced up by the handiwork of several CHAMPS staff members. PTA has gotten into the act, too, providing help where needed.
Students practiced together, using the adapted materials developed by the teachers. By the time the Grand Opening occurred on November 20th, the operation was a well-oiled machine! Many thanks to the invited guests who visited for a hot beverage and a free cookie (courtesy of Blackbird Baking Co. (https://www.blackbirdbaking.com/).
Here are a few pictures of the students learning their trade. For plenty of Grand Opening pictures, please check out The December/January edition of the Horace Mann Educator: Link to Newsletter
We look forward to partnering with other local bakeries to offer treats at our bi-monthly cafe. We hope to invite others to visit in 2019 - watch for announcements and drop by for a feel good way to start your day :)
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