While safety is always high on our list at Horace Mann, we paid special attention to it last week with the help of the Lakewood Fire & Police Departments.

On the Police side, Officer Angela Ortiz dropped by to swear in the 2018-19 class of Horace Mann Safety Patrol. All students raised their right hands and agreed to be top citizens of our school! Special thanks to Mrs. Kelsey Robinson for advising this group. This year's patrol members are:
Nora Kelly
Greydon Rosser
Ruby Fraunfelder
Nate Lardi
Jeremiah Neal
Erin Gerity
Amelia Diemert
Kelsey Karban
Fiona Radke
Sarah Seiler
Allison Easterly
Tessa Carlin
Charlotte Reed
Caitlin Pesta
Leading up to the Fire Safety assembly on Thursday was a city-wide, 5th grade essay contest. Congratulations to Horace Mann 5th graders Amelia Diemert and Charlotte Reed on winning trophies for their efforts!
Fire Marshal Tim Dunphy led the team of Lakewood firefighters in their annual presentation to our student body. While students learn from the video about fire safety at home, they really look forward to the end of the assembly. Each year, a firefighter climbs the TALL ladder, kids cheering him on.
Thank you, LKWD Police & Fire, for helping us all learn how to be safe!
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