Horace Mann Teacher Jennifer Frank is exploring two related neuroscience-based concepts this year: The Growth Mindset and Mindfulness. If you'd like to learn more about one or both of those things, read on (and feel free to Google them, too!)...
Last week, she found an opportunity to combine the two seamlessly with some 2nd graders. Students watched videos on neural pathways and neural connections, then made neurons out of pipe cleaners. Together, they talked about how our brains can grow and be made stronger...and how putting in effort helps our brain cells increase and work better.
Students made their own neural pathways with black and white pipe cleaners, and then twined them together to make stronger, bigger neural connections. Here are a couple pictures of their products:
It is thrilling to see advanced science come to life for young students, especially around a topic that can motivate them to try harder, experience success and feel better about learning. Thank you, Mrs. Frank, for finding a path to confidence and joy for our kids!
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