It was all about the mouth this week at The Mann. Thursday was Marco's Pizza Day, a fundraiser for Horace Mann PTA. Thank you to all families who made it Pizza Night! In addition to donating a portion of the profits to the participating school, Marco's also provides a pizza party for the class whose families bought the most pizza. Last time around, it was Mrs. Cramer's 1st graders who enjoyed the cheesy reward. Who will it be this time?

On Friday, everyone's mouth got a different kind of attention. Dr. Edward Hadaway, a local dentist, made his annual visit to Horace Mann. Continuing a routine that started more than 10 years ago, Dr. Hadaway asks each and every child to open up his/her mouth for him to take a quick look. He simply shines a light in kids' mouths to see if there are any obvious problems, and if there are, parents are contacted. According to Dr. Hadaway, this service to Lakewood began when it was discovered that about 15% of students had untreated cavities that were surely causing pain and making it hard to concentrate! Happily, Dr. Hadaway indicated the teeth here at Horace Mann are in much better shape than that :-) That said, we can always tune up our brushing and flossing habits, right?
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