The Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTII) process for the elementary schools in Lakewood includes the use of brief reading assessments through AIMSweb. Children in grades 1-5 were assessed at the beginning of the year and small group interventions began for students who were not meeting the benchmark.
While the entire group of students will not be assessed again until January, students receiving interventions have been reassessed on a weekly or monthly basis since the interventions began. The point of this is to monitor whether or not the intervention is moving students toward being on track in reading.
In order evaluate the progress of students, Horace Mann teachers met in small groups last week to analyze the data, discuss the interventions and determine whether to make any changes or keep things on the same course. These were valuable meetings, and the evidence shows that nearly all students are making strong gains as a result of the reading interventions in place. If you have any questions about interventions or these periodic assessments, please feel free to contact your child's teacher or the principal.
Horace Mann 4th graders had the good fortune to travel to University Circle this week, where they took in a performance of The Cleveland Orchestra. Based on staff and student comments, the pieces performed were enjoyed by all, and Horace Mann's students conducted themselves appropriately (pun intended :-)
Our music teacher, Mr. Waryk, helped students prepare to appreciate their experience with lessons before the performance, some of which used the SCORE publication provided by The Cleveland Orchestra. Future lessons also will tie into this significant common experience of our students. How lucky we are to live in a city with a world-class orchestra and for all students to have the opportunity to hear it!
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