Friday, May 19, 2017

So Many Kinds of Fun at Horace Mann!

The special events at Horace Mann came in all shapes and sizes this week!  We had an opportunity to learn about keeping our eyes safe with Realeyes classroom presentations provided by the Ohio Optometric Society (this explains why your child may have come home with a new pair of sunglasses).  We thank Ms. Wise (pictured below) for coming to our school for the lessons.

Next up were fun activities for The Lemonade War.  Thanks to our PTA, we had a lemonade stand for Horace Mann students on Thursday at recess.  It was a perfect - HOT - day and the kids drank it up :-)  There was also a Drop Everything and Read as well as daily prize drawings...

The K-Kids had their final meeting for the 2017-18 school year and showed their community spirit with a neighborhood cleanup.  Parent volunteers made this possible, and the ice pops to cool down afterwards were appreciated by all.

Last but not least was our Spring Concert.  It was another amazing show, thanks to the students' talent and energy, the instruction and coaching of Mr. Waryk (K-5 Music Teacher) and Ms. Mallchok (Orchestra and Adapted Music Teacher), and the support and enthusiasm of kids' families.  Thank yous all around for a wonderful performance and community-building event!

Finally, good luck to our Girls on the Run as they participate in the 5K in Akron with over 1,000 girls from northeast Ohio on Saturday, May 20th. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Bagels and Reading Go Great Together!

At Horace Mann, we know that family involvement in our school brings big benefits for everyone.  So, we are always looking for new reasons to invite adults to visit!  The latest event was the Family Reading Breakfast, held on May 11th before school.

Our art room was full to capacity with students, parents, siblings and even a neighbor or two who came to play reading games and find some resources to support reading at home.  The atmosphere was lively, yet definitely on task with reading activities and conversations.

Big thanks to our Horace Mann reading specialists Heather Phillips and Katie Testen, as well as our Family Resource Coordinator, Therese Schwind, for hosting the event.  Also, we appreciate the generosity of Einstein Bros Bagels (14615 Detroit Ave. in Lakewood) for their donation of bagels. Delish!

Here are a few pictures from the event:

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Congratulations to Jalen and Jason!

     Each year, the Cuyahoga County Educational Service Center invites nominations for Excellence in Education.  Last Friday, two students from Horace Mann were honored at the Annual Excellence in Education Awards Recognizing Students with Disabilities, and Educators.  

     We are very proud of Jalen Brown and Jason Lowe who were honored at the breakfast, along with the staff members who referred them (Ellen McCafferty and Cristina Smith).  Lakewood City Schools were well-represented at the event with students, family, and staff members from many of our school buildings.

     Great work, Jalen and Jason, and kudos to the adults who took the time to nominate them!

Jalen Brown - 5th Grade
Jason Lowe - 2nd Grade