Although Horace Mann staff members do wonderful things for students every day, there was an actual act of heroism here at school last week. One of our students who uses a wheelchair--and various straps to keep his body upright--began choking on his lunch. The staff member closest to him attempted to help him dislodge the food, but did not succeed. Mr. Phil Hilty, a veteran Lakewood Schools paraprofessional, saw what was happening, quickly crossed the lunchroom, pulled the straps aside and did the Heimlich to clear the student's airway. In spite of the dramatic event, the student then was able to breathe normally and continued his school day. This was a very big week for Mr. Hilty, as a new grandchild was also born into his family! Thank you, Mr. Hilty!
Also, since it was the end of the month, we drew our Star Students randomly from the
pile of stars created by students cashing them in for various rewards. Here are the winners for March:
Ms. Sessin: Ben Anderson Mrs. Sloan: Aylish Radke
Mrs. Cramer: Peter Humphreys Mrs. Harkness: Declan Ziegler
Mrs. Carney: Olivia Baker Mrs. Wynne: Amelia Diemert
Mrs. Finnegan: Isaac Craciun Mrs. Lynch: Brooke Gardner
Mrs. Kehn: Hannah O'Toole Mrs. Rolfe: Grace Bratko
Mrs. Cali: Kaylin Ehase Mrs. Robinson: Helen Hylton
Mrs. Smolen: Jack Milanich Mrs. Smith: James Smoot
Congratulations, Star Students--Keep being safe, respectful and responsible!