Safety Patrol Badge |
This week, the new brigade of the Horace Mann Safety Patrol reported for duty. Fifth grade students who are good citizens of our school are eligible to participate in this time-honored program.
Mrs. Kelsey Robinson is the advisor for this club, and she has trained the group on their role in guiding younger students to be safe during arrival and dismissal. She also assigns and rotates their posts around the school (both inside and out), as well as helps problem-solve when younger students may not respond to their requests to follow the rules.
Please support our 5th Grade Safety Patrol by asking your children to follow directions from them just as they would an adult. By all means, if your child ever expresses a compliment or concern about one of our Safety Patrol members, please let us know right away.
P.S.I was in Safety Patrol at Edison Elementary School in Willoughby, Ohio, back in the day. Do you have any Safety Patrol memories?
On the academic side, this was fall benchmarking week. What is benchmarking, you ask? Well, it simply means teachers use brief screening tools that take from 1-3 minutes to administer that give us a quick snapshot of each child's reading and math skills. The scores on these screeners are then compared to national norms--and especially when combined with other data we have gathered in the classroom--allow us to see whether students are in need of enrichment or intervention.
In the past, Lakewood has used the Diagnostic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy (DIBELS) for reading screening. This year, based on better features available, the AIMSweb system will be used not only for math, but also for reading.
Data team meetings will take place next week. At these meetings, teachers and specialists (and I) will review the assessments to determine interventions to be provided to students. This is all part of the Response to Intervention (RTI) model with which you may be familiar. Importantly, it helps us make sure that we are providing additional research-proven instruction to students who need something extra.
While parents do not receive their child's benchmark scores, you will be contacted if your child is recommended for small group intervention during the school day. This intervention takes place during Intervention/Enrichment Block (also referred to as I/E Block) on a daily basis. Then, several times per year, we re-screen (winter and spring benchmarking) to be be sure the right interventions are provided.
Please feel free to ask your child's teacher--or contact me directly--if you have any questions about AIMSweb benchmarking or I/E Block.